Alleged letter of Jessy Moreno who jumped off a bridge with her 10-year-old son is revealed

An alleged suicide letter from Jessy Moreno comes to light, revealing why she took her life in Ibague, with her 10-year-old son.

A mother named Jessy Paola Moreno Cruz, 32 years old, jumped from a bridge in Ibagué, Colombia, with her son in her arms, to end their lives.

Before falling to the void on February 5, 2019, a video showed police officers, firefighters, lifeguards and even psychologists trying to convince her not to commit the terrible act. However, the attendance and the prayers of those present were in vain.

While the 10-year-old held on to the bars of the bridge, he asked his mother not to jump, and although a telephone contact was made with her mother, the woman committed the final act, in which he also lost his life.

Those present were deeply moved by the tragedy, and after seeing the tragic outcome no one could hold the tears flow. Days later, it came to light that Moreno Cruz left a presumed letter in which she expressed what she felt and the difficulties she was going through.

This letter supposedly expresses the following:

"I have no hope, I have been defeated and humiliated, the man who said he loved me left me alone, alone ... They left me with nothing, everything that worked, everything that I lived, everything that I loved, everything I gave, I snatched away in an instant, my mistake was to trust the wrong people.

How wrong I was when I thought that was my solution! How wrong I was at that moment that I received "Help" I thought things would improve, how wrong I was when I decided to give love one more chance!

What a bigger mistake to cover an error with another and that led me to lose everything, I failed in every possible way, and I failed to be the most loved in life, I do not have how to sustain your study, I do not have to give you a hot dish of food, I put him in danger.

How I regret to fail you son, I do not tolerate the idea that someone can hurt you because of me, I prefer to go away and forget about this world, breathe becomes more and more difficult, threats, debts, lack of love, I can’t take it anymore.

They will call me a coward, but only God knows the anguish and terror that gives me to think that someone can hurt you because of me, if only someone will help me!!? Who can lend me money? A home maybe? No one…

The world is dangerous and I can’t protect you. I have no hope, defeated, humiliated and destroyed. Without strength. All my days are gray. My heart beats anguished. I cry with frustration and impotence.

I'm a failure. This time you will not fail, my son, no one can hurt us anymore ..."

Various media claim that Jessy made that tough decision for having unpayable debts, the so-called "drop by drop" in Colombia.

According to Zocalo, the mayor of Ibagué, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, declared that "two of the cases that occurred recently (of suicide) had to do with debts, with something monstrous that occurs in Colombia and is “the drop by drop”. This single mother was desperately under pressure of debts. "

"The drop by drop became a terrible situation, because it not only extorts people, not only steals all their work, not only intimidates, but also blackmails, threatens to death, and even ends up hurting or costing their lives to the person who has those loans," said Jaramillo.


Hundreds of people attended the funeral of Jessy and her son. The Ondas de Ibagué radio station broadcast a minute-by-minute video of the development of the caravan that took place before the funeral of the victims, in their honor.

Cars and people accompanied the relatives of the victims, to the cemetery Jardines la Milagrosa, on Friday, February 8, in the afternoon hours.

Most of those present who attended the heartbreaking activity made a street of honor with their cars, in order to receive and accompany the coffins, which were adorned with flowers.

The previous night, dozens of locals gathered in front of the Funeral Comfunser, located in the Cadiz neighborhood of the capital of Tolima, where the wake was held to say goodbye to these two souls.
